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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - bind


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Перевод с английского языка bind на русский

1. связывание 2. связанность, связь 3. узы; путы 4. разг. безвыходное положение, тупик to be in a bind —- попасть в переплет, оказаться загнанными в угол this schedule has us in a bind —- этот график связал нас по рукам и ногам 5. муз. лигатура 6. захват оружия (фехтование) bind blade attack —- атака с захватом 7. угольный сланец 8. плеть, стебель ползучего растения 9. вязать, связывать to bind hand and foot —- связать по рукам и ногам bound with ropes —- связанный веревками 10. привязывать the dog was bound to a tree —- собака была привязана к дереву 11. повязывать, завязывать her head was bound by a kerchief —- ее голова была повязана платком 12. затягивать поясом 13. опоясывать 14. переплетать (книгу) I shall have these magazines bound in one volume —- мне переплетут эти журналы в общий переплет 15. обшивать, обвязывать (края) the edge of the carpet was worn out, so we had it bound —- край ковра обтрепался, поэтому мы дали его обшить 16. делать твердым, плотным frost binds the ground in winter —- мороз сковывает землю зимой to bind the loose sand —- закреплять рыхлый песок 17. затвердевать (о снеге, грязи, глине) 18. clay binds when it is heated глина становится твердой при нагревании 19. закреплять желудок, вызывать запор 20. обязывать (законом); связывать (договором) his word binds him to good behaviour —- данное им слово обязывает его хорошо вести себя the court's decision binds them to pay the fine —- по решению суда они обязаны уплатить штраф binding our ageement with a friendly handshake —- скрепив соглашение дружеским рукопожатием 21. обязаться, взять на себя обязательство; связать себя договором he bound himself to take part in the expedition —- он взял на себя обязательство участвовать в экспедиции 22. скреплять, подтверждать (сделку) to bind a bargain —- скреплять сделку (задатком, подписью) to be bound to do smth. —- обязательно сделать что-л; чувствовать моральную обязанность или потребность сделать что-л he is bound to come —- он обязательно придет he is bound to find a way out —- он обязательно найдет выход to be bound to be, to happen etc. —- обязательно произойти, случиться it is bound to happen —- это неминуемо произойдет it is bound to rain tomorrow —- завтра обязательно будет дождь we are bound to be successful —- нет сомнения, что у нас все получится to be bound by smth. —- быть связанным чем-л he is bound by a promise —- он связан обещанием to be bound for some place —- направляться куда-л the ship is bound for Bristol —- корабль идет в Бристоль I am bound for the sea —- я выхожу в море to be bound up in smth., smb. —- быть поглощенным чем-л, кем-л she is bound up in her work —- она целиком ушла в работу Id: to be bound apprentice —- быть отданным в ученье (ремеслу) 23. сл. зануда 24. сл. тощища; нудная работа, речь и т. п. 25. сл. нудить; надоедать (поучениями)
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См. в других словарях

  over (c inf.) обязывать, связывать обязательством to bind over to appear обязывать явиться в суд to bind over to keep the peace обязывать соблюдать общественное спокойствие BIND out устраивать на учебу к мастеру It used to be usual to bind out promising boys for many years. BIND down  а) ограничивать кого-л. The young scientist felt bound down by a lot of useless and confusiing rules. I dont want to bind you down; feel free to use your own ideas.  б) связывать веревкой The traveller woke to find himself bound down to the ground with long ropes. BIND a bargain дать задаток BIND up  а) перевязывать (раны)  б) переплетать в общий переплет The firm has agreed to bind up the six articles into one book.  в) связывать this problem is bound up with many others эта проблема связана со многими другими  г) связывать, запаковывать Parcels must be properly bound up for posting to other countries. BIND together  а) связывать вместе The sticks of wood were bound together in bunches.  б) объединять(ся) We must bind the members of the club together in loyalty. The members of the club must bind together in loyalty. BIND to  а) устраивать на учебу к мастеру The youngest son was bound to a master builder for seven years.  б) заставлять кого-л. повиноваться We must bind the members of the committee to secrecy. BIND v.  1) вязать; связывать  2) обшивать, обвязывать (края)  3) зажимать  4) привязывать (to - к чему-л.) The prisoner was bound to a post and shot.  5) задерживать, ограничивать  6) переплетать (книгу)  7) обязывать to bind oneself - взять на...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) обязывать (законом и т.п.) 2) связывать (договором и т.п.), скреплять 3) подтверждать (сделку) • - authority to bind company - authorized to bind firm - bind a bargain - bind a company - bind a firm - bind duties - bind oneself by contract - bind oneself - bind over - bind tariffs Syn: oblige, engage BIND 1) обязывать (законом); связывать (договором) 2) скреплять, подтверждать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вязать; связывать 2) привязывать 3) схватываться; затвердевать 4) вчт. компоновать, связывать, объединять 5) вчт. присваивать значение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  связывать; соединять to bind in position ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) связывать; вязать 2) схватываться; затвердевать 3) заедать; защемлять 4) вчт. присваивать значение 5) вчт. связывать, компоновать, объединять в загрузочный модуль 6) переплетать; брошюровать; скреплять (книжный блок, документы) 7) швейн. подгибать; сшивать; обшивать to bind off — текст. кеттлевать ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. bound) (see also BOUNDEN). 1 tr. (often foll. by to, on, together) tie or fasten tightly. 2 tr. a restrain; put in bonds. b (as -bound adj.) constricted, obstructed (snowbound). 3 tr. esp. Cookery cause (ingredients) to cohere using another ingredient. 4 tr. fasten or hold together as a single mass. 5 tr. compel; impose an obligation or duty on. 6 tr. a edge (fabric etc.) with braid etc. b fix together and fasten (the pages of a book) in a cover. 7 tr. constipate. 8 tr. ratify (a bargain, agreement, etc.). 9 tr. (in passive) be required by an obligation or duty (am bound to answer). 10 tr. (often foll. by up) a put a bandage or other covering round. b fix together with something put round (bound her hair). 11 tr. indenture as an apprentice. 12 intr. (of snow etc.) cohere, stick. 13 intr. be prevented from moving freely. 14 intr. sl. complain. --n. 1 colloq. a nuisance; a restriction. 2 = BINE. Phrases and idioms be bound up with be closely associated with. bind over Law order (a person) to do something, esp. keep the peace. bind up bandage. I'll be bound a statement of assurance, or guaranteeing the truth of something. Etymology: OE bindan ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (bound; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German bintan to ~, Greek peisma cable, Sanskrit badhnati he ties  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to make secure by tying  b. to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds  c. to put under an obligation ~s himself with an oath  d. to constrain with legal authority  2.  a. to wrap around with something so as to enclose or cover  b. bandage  3. to fasten round about  4. to tie together (as stocks of wheat)  5.  a. to cause to stick together  b. to take up and hold (as by chemical forces) ; combine with  6. constipate  7. to make a firm commitment for a handshake ~s the deal  8. to protect, strengthen, or decorate by a band or ~ing  9. to apply the parts of the cover to (a book)  10. to set at work as an apprentice ; indenture  11. to cause to have an emotional attachment  12. to fasten together a pin bound the ends of the scarf  intransitive verb  1.  a. to form a cohesive mass  b. to combine or be taken up especially by chemical action antibody ~s to a specific antigen  2. to hamper free movement or natural action  3. to become hindered from free operation  4. to exert a restraining or compelling effect a promise that ~s  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. something that ~s  b. the act of ~ing ; the state of being bound  c. a place where ~ing occurs  2. tie 3  3. a position or situation in which one is hampered, constrained, or prevented from free movement or action ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (binds, binding, bound) 1. If something binds people together, it makes them feel as if they are all part of the same group or have something in common. It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together. ...the social and political ties that bind the USA to Britain. ...a group of people bound together by shared language, culture, and beliefs. VERB: V pl-n together, V n prep/adv, V-ed, also V n 2. If you are bound by something such as a rule, agreement, or restriction, you are forced or required to act in a certain way. The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC... The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects... The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour’s independence. VERB: be V-ed by n, be V-ed to-inf, V n to-inf, also V n • bound Few of them feel bound by any enduring loyalties. ADJ: v-link ADJ by n 3. If you bind something or someone, you tie rope, string, tape, or other material around them so that they are held firmly. Bind the ends of the cord together with thread. ...the red tape which was used to bind the files... VERB: V n adv/prep, V n 4. When a book is bound, the pages are joined together and the cover is put on. Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth... Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound. ...four immaculately bound hardbacks. VERB: be V-ed in n, V n, V-ed • -bound ...leather-bound stamp albums. COMB in ADJ 5. see also binding, bound, double bind ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle bound, 1 »TIE/FASTEN« formal or literary a) to tie someone so that they cannot move or escape  (They bound my arms and legs with rope. | bound and gagged (=tied up, and with cloth tied around your mouth so you cannot speak)) b) also bind up to tie things firmly together with cloth or string  (They bound his wounds.) 2 »UNITE« to form a strong emotional or economic connection between two people, countries etc  (bind sth together)  (Their shared experiences in war helped to bind the two communities together.) 3 »STICK TOGETHER« to stick together in a mass, or to make small pieces of something stick together  (The flour mixture isn't wet enough to bind properly. | bind sth)  (The rain will help to bind the soil.) 4 »RESTRICT« to reduce someone's freedom of action, for example by giving them a duty or making them promise to do something  (regulations that could bind policy-makers in the future | The monks are bound by vows of silence.) 5 »STITCH« to strengthen or decorate something with a border of material  (The edges of the blanket were bound with ribbon.) 6 »BOOK« to fasten the pages of a book together and put them in a cover  (- see also bound1) bind sb over phr v BrE law to order someone to cause no more trouble by threatening them with legal punishment  (bound over to keep the peace) ~2 n a bind informal an annoying or difficult situation  (It's a real bind having to look after the children.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Biomolecular Interaction Network Database hum. gen. abbr. Biomolecular Interaction Network Database funny abbr. Boston I'm Not Dangerous funny abbr. Broken Internet Name Daemon gen. comp. abbr. Berkeley Internet Name Domain gen. comp. abbr. Berkeley Internet Name Daemon dom. name abbr. Berkley Internet Name Daemon ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. bindan "to tie up with bonds," also "to make captive, to cover with dressings and bandages" (class III strong verb; past tense band, pp. bunden), from PIE base *bhendh- "band, bend" (see bend). Bindery first recorded 1810, Amer.Eng. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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